Camp S.W.A.G. Policies
Age Verification
Camp S.W.A.G. strives to provide an age-appropriate curriculum and programming for all recreation services delivered. To meet this goal, the age of the participant as of the cut-off date for the program is required at the time of registration to appropriately place the participant in our programs. Camp S.W.A.G. reserves the right to request that the parent/guardian provide a legal document (i.e. birth certificate) verifying the age of the participant in the selected Camp S.W.A.G. program. If legal documentation is requested and not provided within 24 hours, Camp S.W.A.G reserves the right to dismiss the participant/camper from the Camp S.W.A.G. program. No refund will be given if the participant is dismissed from the program.
Any babysitting arrangements with present or former staff of Camp S.W.A.G. are separate and independent from any Camp S.W.A.G. program. These arrangements must be based on the independent responsibility and judgment of the parent or guardian. Camp S.W.A.G. is not responsible for any claims or liability in connection with such babysitting activities.
Behavior Management
We utilize and encourage the practice of praise and positive reinforcement as effective methods of behavior management. We believe that when participants/campers receive positive and understanding interactions, they can develop good self-concept, problem-solving abilities, and self-discipline. Camp S.W.A.G. supports and practices the following procedures for behavior problems:
- Initially, participants will be given a quiet reprimand/verbal warning.
- If behavior persists after verbal warning, a Behavior Action Plan will be implemented to identify specific behaviors and work with the participant and parent/guardian to develop appropriate behavior management solutions.
- If behavior problems continue after implementation of the Behavior Action Plan, a first Incident Report will be presented to the parent/guardian.
- Additional behavior problems will constitute a second Incident Report presented to the parent/guardian and a possible suspension of two full days from the Camp S.W.A.G. program may occur. (No refunds will be given for the days suspended.) The parent/guardian may be requested to pick up the participant/camper within an hour of the initial contact with the parent/guardian. If a parent/guardian does not pick up the participant/camper within an hour, a late fee may be charged.
- If a behavior problem persists, a third Incident Report will be presented and the participant/camper may be asked to leave the Camp S.W.A.G. program. A suspension of two full days will be issued to the participant/camper while the Incident Reports are being reviewed.
- For severe offenses, such as but not limited to fighting/ hitting, theft, vandalism, bullying, possession of weapons or drugs, severe verbal threats, sexual misconduct, or any other safety related behavior, the participant/camper may be suspended or dismissed from the Camp S.W.A.G. program immediately. Any of the above mentioned behaviors may result in immediate suspension or expulsion from Camp S.W.A.G. program.
- Participants/campers will not be disciplined in camp for behavior that occurred outside of camp hours, even at parental requests.
- Participation in camp activities during Camp S.W.A.G. program hours is required.
No Bullying or Cyberbullying
Camp S.W.A.G. has a no tolerance policy for bullying and/or cyberbullying and we comply with all State and Local laws regarding bullying and cyberbullying. Bullying and/or cyberbullying will not be tolerated and all CSWAG Members that engage in any bullying and/or cyberbullying acts will be removed from the program immediately. No refunds will be issued.
Camp S.W.A.G. staff will not discuss confidential matters or personal information with anyone outside of the Camp S.W.A.G. appropriate staff or with unauthorized individuals written permission. All participants/campers are encouraged to respect the confidentiality of other participants/campers by not disclosing personal information with social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Camp S.W.A.G. staff are not permitted to share personal information about or images of any participants or staff through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat, or discuss any personal information about participants outside of the workplace.
Dress Code
Participants/campers should wear cool, comfortable clothing and athletic shoes in order to participate in recreational and/or athletic activities each day. If appropriate attire is not worn, therefore preventing participation, the parent/guardian may be asked to bring appropriate clothing or will be required to pick-up the participant/camper (Resident participants/campers will be provided with a list of items/clothing to wear. Unacceptable attire: sandals; shirts with spaghetti straps; clothing that displays drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sexual or gang references; two-piece bathing suits; excessively loose pants or shirts (NO SAGGING); revealing clothing; jewelry; crocs™. There may be exceptions, please review the list of items/clothing to bring to camp.
Field Trips
Camp S.W.A.G. will transport participants/campers offsite in vehicles provided by or contracted by licensed bus drivers and/or Camp S.W.A.G. staff only. If a participant/camper arrives at camp after the scheduled departure for a field trip, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to either:
- Transport the participant/camper to the field trip location and sign in the participant/camper with a Camp S.W.A.G. staff member at the field trip site, or;
- Transport the participant/camper to the camp site once the camp returns from the field trip location and sign in.
Buses will leave the program location at the advertised scheduled time and will not be delayed to wait for participants/campers to arrive at the program site. Participants/campers cannot be left at a camp location without Camp S.W.A.G. staff present. Refunds will not be awarded if participant/camper misses a field trip. Camp S.W.A.G. does not accept responsibility for program participants/camper until they are signed in with program staff. If a parent/guardian needs to pick-up a participant/camper while on a field trip, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to pick-up the participant/camper at the field trip location. Confirmation of the early release is required prior to participant/camper being released.
Out of Country Field Trips
There is an additional cost for all out of country field trips, starting at $3500 and may go up depending upon the field trip and field trip length of time. There will be NO field trips to countries that are on the U.S. Passports & International Travel Alerts and Warnings List. Parents and members are encouraged to register in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
Passports are required. However, if your child does not have a passport, we will offer informational assistance in acquiring a passport. Please visit Your U.S. Passport for more information or contact U.S. Passports & International Travel at 1-877-487-2778.
All field trips are determined by a vote of all leadership members at the second or third membership meeting. At the first leadership meeting all members are asked to think about where they wish to go and a vote is taken at the second or third meeting.
Fundraising will be orchestrated and conducted by leadership members to assist in the cost of all field trips.
Parents are encouraged to participate as chaperones, if interested. Additional vaccinations may be required for some trips.
Any food brought into any Camp S.W.A.G. program to be served to program participants/campers must be store-bought with labeled ingredient information. Due to allergy concerns, homemade food items will not be accepted into Camp S.W.A.G. programs.
Any participant/camper should remain home from all summer camps if they have had any of the following in the past twenty-four (24) hours:
- Contagious conditions (i.e., fever 100 degrees or higher without fever-reducing medication, diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat, undiagnosed rash, chicken pox, pink eye, ringworm, head lice, or any other potentially contagious condition .)
- Physical injury that does not allow the participant/camper to safely participate in the camp program.
If a participant/camper demonstrates any of the above while at camp, the parent/guardian will have one hour to pick-up the participant/camper from the camp location. If the participant/camper becomes sick while at camp, he/she will be separated from the other participants/campers while the parent/guardian is called to come and pick them up.
After 24 hours, if the participant/camper is symptom free or written documentation has been received from a doctor stating the participant/camper is not contagious or can safely participate, they may return to camp. If you suspect that your participant/camper has a contagious condition that may spread to others, please notify your camp director as soon as possible.
Please do not bring the participant/camper back to camp until the camp director has been contacted.
Lost/Stolen Items
Camp S.W.A.G. is not responsible for any personal items lost or stolen from Camp S.W.A.G. programs.
Movies may be shown to participants/campers in Camp S.W.A.G. Programs. Before movies are shown, the titles will be communicated to parents/guardians. All movies shown are rated G, PG or PG-13.
Camp S.W.A.G. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability in employment opportunities or the provision of services, programs or activities. A participant alleging discrimination on the basis of any of the aforementioned areas should contact Camp S.W.A.G. officials immediately.
Participant/Camper Sign Out
You must sign your participant/camper out at the end of each camp session. Legal guardians and other individuals listed on the Participant Registration Form as an authorized pick-up person must sign out the participant/camper every day. A photo ID may be requested by Camp S.W.A.G. staff and volunteers at any time to verify a person’s identity even if the person is a parent/legal guardian. Any person listed as a parent/guardian on the registration form may add or remove additional person(s) to the authorized pick-up list. Parents/guardians should inform anyone picking up a participant they will be required to show a photo identification card. Participants will not be released without proper photo identification.
Personal Care
Camp S.W.A.G. does not provide personal care for program participants/campers. Camp S.W.A.G. staff does not assist in the toileting of any camp participants/campers or help with dressing participants/campers. Camp S.W.A.G. requires that all program participants/campers are potty trained in order to participate. Program participants/campers must be able to change their own clothing if soiled. Camp S.W.A.G. staff are not expected to change program participants’/camper’s clothing. If a toileting accident does occur, a change of clothes must be brought to the program site or the participant/camper must be picked up from the program site within one hour of the incident. If toileting accidents are routine, participants may be dismissed from the program.
Photography/Video Waiver
Camp S.W.A.G may capture pictures or video clips of Camp S.W.A.G. Participants while involved in its programs. Should that occur, these items will be used by Camp S.W.A.G. for marketing and promotion, staff/volunteer training, program activities and any of Camp S.W.A.G.’s websites, publications or displays, public newspapers, magazines, reports or other public documents. . Camp S.W.A.G. Participants’ names will not be published when photo or video clips are used. Camp S.W.A.G. program areas are permitted to have social media sites. These sites are controlled by Camp S.W.A.G staff.
Camp S.W.A.G. may use any photographs without any further consent or authorization from myself or my representatives. Camp S.W.A.G. may modify photographs in the editing process and I am not entitled to any compensation for the use of any photographs by Camp S.W.A.G.
Sunscreen and Insect Repellent
If needed, please apply these products to participants/campers before they come to the program each day. Please supply any sunscreen and/or insect repellent that the participant may need during any program. Staff will provide frequent opportunities for participants/campers to reapply over the course of the day. Staff or siblings may assist participants/campers in applying sunscreen only to exposed skin that the participant cannot reach on their own. Spray or mist sunscreen and/or insect repellent are recommended. These products are not to be shared with other campers.
Late Pick for Day Camp
Families who do not register for the extended day, but who pick-up their children after Program hours, will be assessed a $75 late pickup charge that must be paid prior to the camper’s next day of camp. This is also applicable for extended day families who do not pick up on time. If you are running late, please extend the courtesy of a phone call to us. Please allow yourself enough time, and plan accordingly for the traffic.
All members must be picked up no later than 10 minutes after the designated pick-up time. If you fail to pick-up your youth 10 minutes after the designated pick-up time, you will be charged a $75 late fee. On trip days you will be contacted via telephone approximately two hours prior to our arrival at the designated pick-up area. Continual late pickups may lead to dismissal from the program. No refunds will be issued.
Late Pick for Resident Camp
Participants/campers that attend resident camp, must adhere to the designated schedule for pick-up. If you fail to pick-up your youth by designated scheduled pick-up time, you will be charged a $75 late fee. You will be provided with a complete schedule prior to resident camp start date.
Wait Lists Notification
If your participant/camper clears the waitlist, you will be notified by telephone or email. You will have 24 hours to accept and remit payment for the requested program. Your acceptance must be confirmed in writing, and if notification is not received within 24 hours, you will forfeit your participant’s/camper’s placement.
Resident Camp Roommates
Camp S.W.A.G. strives to meet every camper’s requests. However, we reserve the right to refuse requests. Campers must be within one year of each other’s age to be placed in the same cabin, if mutually requested. To ensure that campers will also have the opportunity to meet new friends, we allow only one “Cabin Roommate Request” per camper. To help ensure that all campers receive the best experience in the cabin group, we do our best to limit large groups of campers who already know each other from being placed together. Therefore, both campers must have the other camper listed as their “Cabin Roommate Request” on their registration form to ensure the pairing is made. Please also make sure the campers come the same week. Although we try to honor all mutual requests, we reserve the right to refuse cabin roommate requests. We realize how valuable friendship is and we will make every effort to honor your request.
We cannot honor requests in cases where more than two campers have linked their names together. In cases where several campers have linked their names together each choosing a different cabin roommate, we will place campers as it feels is in the best interest of all concerned.
You can help us out by coordinating your cabin roommate request with the other family. If you have a special situation which you feel should be considered differently, please call at least one month in advance of camp. Please remember that even if two people are not in the same cabin, there are many opportunities to spend time together in camp. If you request that your child not be placed with a certain child it is your responsibility to inform the other family prior to arrival at camp.
Cancellation Policy
If a cancellation is necessary, payments minus the one-time non-refundable processing and administrative fee (please see relevant and applicable program information), are refundable if written notice is received 60 days prior to the first CSWAG Program session.
If a participant cancels a Program, they may receive partial refunds.
Cancellation with 60-45 days remaining before Program begins: 100% tuition refunded minus the one-time non-refundable processing and administrative fee (please see relevant and applicable program information)
Cancellation with 45-30 days prior to Program start: 50% tuition refunded minus the one-time non-refundable processing and administrative fee (please see relevant and applicable program information)
Cancellation with 30 days or less prior to Program start: 0% tuition refunded minus the one-time non-refundable processing and administrative fee (please see relevant and applicable program information)
No refund will be given for cancellations after the first CSWAG Program session has occurred. However, your CSWAG Participant can be issued a credit, minus the one-time non-refundable processing and administrative fee (please see relevant and applicable program information). That credit is only available for one year, and can be transferred to a sibling, but not to another family or CSWAG Participant. There are no refunds for late arrival, early departure or disciplinary dismissal from all CSWAG Program.
If Camp S.W.A.G. must cancel a program or session(s), we will refund all tuition and fees. If just one day or a few days of a program is canceled, we will refund the tuition amount at a pro-rated daily rate.
If you have questions, please give us a call at (424) 354-9196 or email
Release and Indemnity Agreement
I understand that participating in the Camp S.W.A.G. recreational program selected involves risk of injury. These risks include inclement weather, accidents while traveling, equipment problems or failures, contact with and actions of other participants, slips/ trips/falls, and musculoskeletal injuries, among others. I choose for myself or for my participant/camper to participate in the selected programs despite the risks. By signing the Participant Information Form, I acknowledge all risks of injury, illness, and/or death and affirm that I have assumed all responsibility of injury, illness, and/or death in any way connected with participation in the program. I also agree for myself and for any participant/camper to follow all rules and procedures of the program and to follow the reasonable instructions of Camp S.W.A.G. staff and/or volunteers of the program. In return for the opportunity to participate in this program, I agree for myself and for my heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators to release, waive, and discharge any legal rights I may have to seek payment or relief of any kind from Camp S.W.A.G. staff and/or volunteers or its agents for injury, illness, and/or death resulting from this program. If I am registering a participant/camper for a program, I agree that I am a parent or, legal guardian, or am otherwise responsible for the participant whose application I am submitting and that I release, waive, and discharge any legal rights that I may assert on behalf of the participant’s/camper’s participation in the Camp S.W.A.G. program. I also agree not to sue Camp S.W.A.G., its employees, its volunteers, or its agents and agree to indemnify Camp S.W.A.G. for all claims, damages, losses, or expenses, including attorney’s fees, if a suit is filed concerning an injury, illness, or death to me or to my participant/camper resulting from participation in the Camp S.W.A.G. program.
Refund Policy
- All refund requests must be received in writing sixty (60) days prior to the first day of Camp. Requests can also be emailed to Camp Registration.
- 100% refund/credit/transfer if Camp S.W.A.G. cancels the program.
- Refund/credit/transfer received less than sixty (60) days from the first day of Camp will not be granted.
- Credit may be used by another family member on the same registration account.
- Non-attendance/Non-participation in a program or activity does not entitle a patron to a refund.
- Refunds for medical reasons requested prior to the start date of a program/rental/team placement will be granted at 100% and are subject to verification.
- Outdoor facility usage canceled due to inclement weather may be rescheduled pending space availability.
Pre-Registration & Registration Policies for Resident Camp
Limited Enrollment
Camp S.W.A.G. has limited enrollment. Priority is given to those that pre-register and pay the non-refundable deposit for Camp. We suggest that you register as soon as possible, as our sessions tend to fill quickly. Please call the camp office if we can help you in your decision process.
Waiting List Policy
If we receive your child’s application after the session is full, we will contact you to let you know your child has been placed on a waiting list for that session. There are usually a few cancellations each year, so we do expect to enroll some campers from our waiting list each summer.
Enrollment Savings:
- The sibling credit is $75 given to the second, third and fourth child that registers from the same family.
2. An alumni credit of $75 is given to the child of a former camper or staff member.
3. Only one credit (alumni or sibling) will be given per child.
Cancellation Policy for Summer
If a cancellation is necessary, payments, less the administrative and processing fees, are refundable if written notice is received sixty (60) days prior to the first day of Camp. No refund will be given for cancellations after sixty (60) days from the first day of Camp. Any cancellation made after sixty (60) days prior to the first day of Camp, Camp S.W.A.G. will provide a tuition credit, minus the administrative fee, towards the following summer tuition for your camper. That credit is only available for one year, and can be transferred to a sibling, but not to another family member or camper. There are no refunds for late arrival, early departure or disciplinary dismissal from camp.
If you have questions, please give us a call at (424) 354-9196 or email
Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Program Policies
Age Verification
Camp S.W.A.G. strives to provide an age-appropriate curriculum and programming for all recreation services delivered. To meet this goal, the age of the participant as of the cut-off date for the program is required at the time of registration to appropriately place the participant in our programs. Camp S.W.A.G. reserves the right to request that the parent/guardian provide a legal document (i.e. birth certificate) verifying the age of the participant in the selected Camp S.W.A.G. program. If legal documentation is requested and not provided within 24 hours, Camp S.W.A.G reserves the right to dismiss the participant/camper from the Camp S.W.A.G. program. No refund will be given if the participant is dismissed from the program.
Any babysitting arrangements with present or former staff of Camp S.W.A.G. are separate and independent from any Camp S.W.A.G. program. These arrangements must be based on the independent responsibility and judgment of the parent or guardian. Camp S.W.A.G. is not responsible for any claims or liability in connection with such babysitting activities.
Behavior Management
We utilize and encourage the practice of praise and positive reinforcement as effective methods of behavior management. We believe that when participants/campers receive positive and understanding interactions, they can develop good self-concept, problem-solving abilities, and self-discipline. The Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Programs supports and practices the following procedures for behavior problems:
- Initially, CSWAG Members will be given a quiet reprimand/ verbal warning.
- If behavior persists after verbal warning, a Behavior Action Plan will be implemented to identify specific behaviors and work with the CSWAG Member and parent/guardian to develop appropriate behavior management solutions.
- If behavior problems continue after implementation of the Behavior Action Plan, a first Incident Report will be presented to the parent/guardian.
- Additional behavior problems will constitute a second Incident Report presented to the parent/guardian and a possible suspension of two full membership sessions from all Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Programs may occur. (No refunds will be given for the days suspended.)
- If a behavior problem persists, a third Incident Report will be presented and the CSWAG Member may be asked to leave all Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Program. A suspension of two full days will be issued to the CSWAG Member while the Incident Reports are being reviewed by the CSWAG Membership Programs Directors.
- For severe offenses, such as but not limited to fighting/hitting, theft, vandalism, bullying, possession of weapons or drugs, severe verbal threats, sexual misconduct, or any other safety related behavior, the CSWAG Member may be suspended or dismissed from all Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Programs immediately. Any of the above mentioned behaviors may result in immediate suspension or expulsion from all Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Programs. (No refunds will be issued.)
- CSWAG Members will not be disciplined for behavior that occurred outside of all CSWAG Membership Program hours, even at parental requests.
- Participation in Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Programs during Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Programs hours is required.
No Bullying or Cyberbullying
Camp S.W.A.G. has a NO TOLERANCY policy for bullying and/or cyberbullying and we comply with all State and Local laws regarding bullying and cyberbullying. Bullying and/or cyberbullying will not be tolerated, and all CSWAG Members that engage in any bullying or cyberbullying acts will be removed from the all Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Programs immediately. No refunds will be issued.
Camp S.W.A.G. staff will not discuss confidential matters or personal information with anyone outside of the Camp S.W.A.G. appropriate staff. Parental/guardian written permission is required to discuss any personal information about youth outside of Camp S.W.A.G. appropriate staff. All CSWAG Members are encouraged to respect the confidentiality of other CSWAG Members by not disclosing personal information on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. Camp S.W.A.G. staff are not permitted to share personal information about or images of any participants or staff through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. or discuss any personal information about participants outside of the workplace.
Field Trips
Camp S.W.A.G. will transport CSWAG Members offsite in vehicles provided by or contracted by licensed bus drivers and/or Camp S.W.A.G. staff only. If a CSWAG Member arrives after the scheduled departure for a field trip, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to transport the CSWAG Members to the field trip location and sign in with a CSWAG Staff Member with a Camp S.W.A.G. staff member at the field trip site.
Buses will leave the program location at the advertised scheduled time and will not be delayed to wait for CSWAG Members to arrive at the program site. CSWAG Members cannot be left at membership locations without Camp S.W.A.G. staff present. Refunds will not be awarded if the CSWAG Member misses a field trip. Camp S.W.A.G. does not accept responsibility for CSWAG Members until they are signed in with program staff. If a parent/guardian needs to pick-up a CSWAG Member while on a field trip, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to pick-up the CSWAG Member at the field trip location. Confirmation of the early release is required prior to the CSWAG Member being released.
Members are required to wear either CSWAG Member t-shirts, sweatshirts or hoodies on all field trips.
Out of Country Field Trips
There is an additional cost for all out of country field trips, which start at $3500 and go up depending upon the field trip and the field trip length of time. There will be NO field trips to countries that are on the U.S. Passports & International Travel Alerts and Warnings List. Parents and members are encouraged to register in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
Passports are required. However, if your child does not have a passport, we will offer assistance in acquiring a passport. Please visit Your U.S. Passport for passport fee information or contact U.S. Passports & International Travel at 1-877-487-2778.
All field trips are determined by a vote of all leadership members at the second or third membership meeting. At the first leadership meeting all members are asked to think about where they wish to go and a vote is taken at the second or third meeting.
Fundraising will be orchestrated and carried out by leadership members to assist in the cost of all field trips.
Parents are encouraged to participate as chaperones, if interested. Additional vaccinations may be required for some trips.
Any food brought into any Camp S.W.A.G. program to be served to program the CSWAG Members must be store-bought with labeled ingredient information. Due to allergy concerns, homemade food items will not be accepted into Camp S.W.A.G. programs.
Any CSWAG Member should remain home from all CSWAG Membership Program sessions if they have had any of the following in the past twenty-four (24) hours:
- Contagious conditions (i.e., fever 100 degrees or higher without fever-reducing medication, diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat, undiagnosed rash, COVID-19, chicken pox, pink eye, ringworm, head lice, or any other potentially contagious condition .)
- Physical injury that does not allow the CSWAG Member to safely participate in the CSWAG Membership Programs.
If a the CSWAG Member demonstrates any of the above while participating in any Camp S.W.A.G. programs, the parent/guardian will have one hour to pick-up the CSWAG Member from the program location. If the CSWAG Member becomes sick while at a program location, he/she will be separated from the other CSWAG Members while the parent/guardian is called to come and pick them up.
After 24 hours, if the CSWAG Member is symptom free or written documentation has been received from a doctor stating the CSWAG Member is not contagious or can safely participate, they may return to the program. If you suspect that your CSWAG Member has a contagious condition that may spread to others, please notify one of Camp S.W.A.G. Directors as soon as possible.
Please do not bring the CSWAG Member back to the program until a Camp S.W.A.G. director has been contacted.
Lost/Stolen Items
Camp S.W.A.G. is not responsible for any personal items lost or stolen from Camp S.W.A.G. programs. We encourage all members to label all their belongings with their name and/or telephone number. If any lost items are found, please inform Camp S.W.A.G. staff immediately.
Movies may be shown to CSWAG Members/Participants in Camp S.W.A.G. Programs. Before movies are shown, the titles will be communicated to parents/guardians. All movies shown are rated G, PG or PG-13.
Camp S.W.A.G. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability in employment opportunities or the provision of services, programs or activities. A CSWAG Member alleging discrimination on the basis of any of the aforementioned areas should contact Camp S.W.A.G. staff immediately.
CSWAG Member Sign Out
CSWAG Members must sign out after each Camp S.W.A.G. session. If the CSWAG Member is not allowed to sign him/herself out via the parent/guardian instructions. The parent/guardian must sign the CSWAG Member out each day. Legal guardians and other individuals listed on the Participant Registration Form as an authorized pick-up person must sign out the CSWAG Member every day. A photo ID may be requested by Camp S.W.A.G. staff and volunteers at any time to verify a person’s identity even if the person is a parent/legal guardian. Any person listed as a parent/guardian on the registration form may add or remove additional person(s) to the authorized pick-up list. Parents/guardians should inform anyone picking up a CSWAG Member they will be required to show a photo identification card. CSWAG Members will not be released without proper photo identification.
Photography/Video Waiver
Camp S.W.A.G may capture pictures or video clips of Camp S.W.A.G. Participants while involved in its programs. Should that occur, these items will be used by Camp S.W.A.G. for marketing and promotion, staff/volunteer training, program activities and any of Camp S.W.A.G.’s websites, publications or displays, public newspapers, magazines, reports or other public documents. . Camp S.W.A.G. Participants’ names will not be published when photo or video clips are used. Camp S.W.A.G. program areas are permitted to have social media sites. These sites are controlled by Camp S.W.A.G staff.
Camp S.W.A.G. may use any photographs without any further consent or authorization from myself or my representatives. Camp S.W.A.G. may modify photographs in the editing process and I am not entitled to any compensation for the use of any photographs by Camp S.W.A.G.
Late Pick
If you are running late, please extend the courtesy of a phone call to us. Please allow yourself enough time, and plan accordingly for the traffic.
If you fail to pick your youth up by the end of any CSWAG Membership Program session on non-trip days and 10 minutes after we arrive in the designated location you will be charged a $50 late fee. On trip days you will be contacted via telephone by your child approximately one hour prior to our arrival at the designated location. Continual late pickups may lead to dismissal from all CSWAG Membership Programs. No refunds will be issued.
Cancellation Policy
If a cancellation is necessary, payments, less the administrative and processing fees, are refundable if written notice is received 20 days prior to the first CSWAG Membership Program session. No refund will be given for cancellations after the first CSWAG Membership Program session has occurred. However, your CSWAG Member can be issued a credit, minus the non-refundable one-time processing and administrative fees. That credit is only available for one year, and can be transferred to a sibling, but not to another family or CSWAG Member. There are no refunds for late arrival, early departure or disciplinary dismissal from all CSWAG Membership Programs.
Membership Denied
All Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Programs make every effort to ensure that no youth is denied, but we reserve the right to refuse membership. If your child is denied membership to any of CSWAG Membership Programs, you will be issued a full refund immediately less the non-refundable one-time processing and administrative fee. You may request a meeting with the Camp S.W.A.G. Directors by emailing us at Camp S.W.A.G. Directors to discuss the reasons for denial.
Release and Indemnity Agreement
I understand that participating in any of the Camp S.W.A.G. Youth Membership Programs may involve risk of injury when certain field trips occur (i.e. Zipline, camping, etc.). These risks include inclement weather, accidents while traveling, equipment problems or failures, contact with and actions of other CSWAG Members, slips/ trips/falls, and musculoskeletal injuries, among others. I choose for myself or for my CSWAG Member to participate in the selected programs despite the risks. By signing any of the Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Program Applications, I acknowledge all risks of injury, illness, and/or death and affirm that I have assumed all responsibility of injury, illness, and/or death in any way connected with participation in the program. I also agree for myself and for any CSWAG Members to follow all rules and procedures of the program and to follow the reasonable instructions of Camp S.W.A.G. staff and/or volunteers of the program. In return for the opportunity to participate in the Camp S.W.A.G. programs, I agree for myself and for my heirs, assigns, executors, and administrators to release, waive, and discharge any legal rights I may have to seek payment or relief of any kind from Camp S.W.A.G. staff and/or volunteers or its agents for injury, illness, and/or death resulting from this program. If I am registering a CSWAG Member for a program, I agree that I am a parent or, legal guardian, or am otherwise responsible for the CSWAG Member whose application I am submitting and that I release, waive, and discharge any legal rights that I may assert on behalf of the CSWAG Member to participation in any of the Camp S.W.A.G. Programs. I also agree not to sue Camp S.W.A.G., its employees, its volunteers, or its agents and agree to indemnify Camp S.W.A.G. for all claims, damages, losses, or expenses, including attorney’s fees, if a suit is filed concerning an injury, illness, or death to me or to my CSWAG Member resulting from participation in the Camp S.W.A.G. Programs.
Payment Plan
Payment Plans are divided into 6 equal payments, for Leadership Programs only. The first payment will include the non-refundable one-time processing and administrative fees.
- All payments are due 30 days after the previous payment
- There is no refund on past payments if a member decides to cancel Membership
- If a payment is returned for non-payment, full payment is due immediately in order for your child to continue membership in the Camp S.W.A.G. Programs
- If payment in not received, your child will not be allowed to participate in any Camp S.W.A.G. activities
- Full Membership is not complete until all payments are rendered
Refund Policy
- All refund requests must be received in writing 20 days prior to the first day of your child’s scheduled CSWAG Membership Program session. Requests can also be emailed to
- 100% refund/credit/transfer if Camp S.W.A.G. cancels programs.
- No refund/credit/transfer will be issued after your child’s first scheduled CSWAG Membership Program session, inclusive of the Camp S.W.A.G. Basic Membership Privileges.
- Non-attendance/Non-participation in a program or activity does not entitle a CSWAG Member to a refund.
- Refunds for medical reasons requested prior to the start date of a program/rental/team placement will be granted at 100% and are subject to verification.
- Outdoor facility usage canceled due to inclement weather may be rescheduled pending space availability.
Camp S.W.A.G. Code of Conduct
Camp S.W.A.G. (CSWAG) has established a Code of Conduct and expects all CSWAG Members, CSWAG Volunteers and CSWAG Participants to treat each other with dignity and respect. Specific behaviors that are prohibited include:
No Bullying or Cyberbullying
All Camp S.W.A.G. Membership Programs have a no tolerance policy for bullying and/or cyberbullying and we comply with all State and Local laws regarding bullying and cyberbullying. Bullying and/or cyberbullying will not be tolerated and all CSWAG Members that engage in any bullying or cyberbullying acts will be removed from the program immediately. No refunds will be issued.
Weapons and Other Dangerous Instruments
In order to ensure the health and safety of all CSWAG Members and staff, Camp S.W.A.G. strictly prohibits guns, other weapons, and alcohol on any property that Camp S.W.A.G. utilizes. Anyone who brings, possesses, or encourages someone else to bring a weapon to any Camp S.W.A.G. sponsored events, functions, etc. will be reported to law enforcement authorities. Weapons including but not necessarily limited to guns, pistols: knives of any kind regardless of size; pepper spray; electric shock devices; are prohibited.
Use of Tobacco Products
CSWAG Members may not possess, display or use any tobacco product at any time on the premises or while participating in Camp S.W.A.G. programs, Camp S.W.A.G. sponsored events or on Camp S.W.A.G. property or property that Camp S.W.A.G. is using.
Prohibition of Gangs and Gang Activities
No CSWAG Member shall commit any act which furthers gangs or gang-related activities. Conduct prohibited includes:
- Wearing, possessing, or displaying or distributing any clothing, jewelry, symbols or other items which may be evidence of membership in any gang;
- Communicating verbally, or non-verbally to convey membership in a gang
- Defacing or tagging any facility that Camp S.W.A.G. utilizes or personal property with gang-related symbols or slogans;
- Soliciting others for gang membership
Computer Misuse
Camp S.W.A.G. staff expects that CSWAG Members will use computers abiding by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. They may not send or display offensive or vulgar messages or pictures; use obscene language; damage computers or software or use the computer network for commercial purposes.
CSWAG Members are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct standards established by the Camp S.W.A.G staff. Anyone who disrupts Camp S.W.A.G. operations, damages Camp S.W.A.G property or the property that Camp S.W.A.G. uses for the purposes of Camp S.W.A.G.’S programs, events, functions, etc. or poses a risk to other participants, staff, or the facilities which Camp S.W.A.G. utilizes may be asked to leave the property. The Camp S.W.A.G. staff has the authority to prohibit such persons from attending future program, events or coming on property. No refund will be issued.
Dress Code
Teens should not wear clothing or other articles of personal appearance which:
- Depicts profanity, obscenity, or violence
- Promotes the use of tobacco, drugs or alcohol
- May create a threat to health or safety of others
- Is/are associated with intimidation or violence; or
- Clothing that may be disruptive
The following specific items are also not permitted:
- Clothing worn to reveal underwear (no sagging).
- Bare feet, bedroom slippers
- Hoods, bandannas
- Pajamas
- See-through, mesh garments
- Shirts and shorts shorter than mid-thigh
If a CSWAG Member’s dress or appearance violates this dress code a Camp S.W.A.G. staff member may require a CSWAG Member to change his/her dress or appearance. The Camp S.W.A.G. staff may make reasonable accommodation to the policy based on a teen’s religious beliefs or medical conditions. Camp S.W.A.G. staff will not assist any members/participants with the changing of any clothing.
Release and Waiver of Liability/Indemnity Agreement
In consideration of gaining membership or being allowed to participate in the activities and programs of Camp S.W.A.G. Program and to use and any facilities that we may rent, equipment, and machinery in addition to the payment of any fee or charge, I do hereby waive, release and forever discharge CAMP S.W.A.G. and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, executors, and all others from any and all responsibilities or liabilities for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in any activities or my use of equipment or machinery in the above mentioned facilities or arising out of my participation in any activities at said facility. I do also hereby release all those mentioned and any others acting upon their behalf from any responsibility or liability for any injury or damage to myself, including those caused by the negligent act or omission of any those mentioned or others acting on their behalf or in any way arising out of or connected with my participation in any activities of CAMP S.W.A.G. or the use if any equipment at the CAMP S.W.A.G. I agree to adhere to all policies set by CAMP S.W.A.G. as written in the CAMP S.W.A.G. Policies Handbook.
BY PARTICIPATING IN CAMP S.W.A.G. PROGRAMS, I HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE CAMP S.W.A.G., its directors, officers, employees, and agents (hereinafter referred to as “Releases”) from all liability to the undersigned, its personal representatives, assigns, heirs and next of kin for any loss or damage, and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to the person or property of resulting in death of the undersigned, whether caused by the Negligence of Releases or otherwise while the undersigned is in, upon, or about (the premises or any facility or equipment therein or participating in any program affiliated with the CAMP S.W.A.G.)
BY PARTICIPATING IN CAMP S.W.A.G. PROGRAMS, I HEREBY AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS the Releases and each of them from any loss, liability, damage, or cost they may incur due to the presence of the undersigned in, upon, or about CAMP S.W.A.G. premises or in any way observing or using any facilities or equipment of the CAMP S.W.A.G. or participating in any program affiliated with CAMP S.W.A.G. whether caused by the negligence of the Releases or otherwise.
BY PARTICIPATING IN CAMP S.W.A.G. PROGRAMS, I HEREBY ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE due to negligence of Releases or otherwise while in, about, or upon the premises of CAMP S.W.A.G. and/or while using the premises or any facilities or equipment thereon or participating in any program affiliated with CAMP S.W.A.G.
CAMP S.W.A.G. does not condone staff privately providing services for members or program participants. Parents understand that CAMP S.W.A.G. is not responsible for staff who conduct outside employment and hereby release CAMP S.W.A.G. from any liability for acts or omissions of any staff who provide services outside of CAMP S.W.A.G. employment.
By participating in one of the Camp S.W.A.G. programs, you hereby give my permission for CAMP S.W.A.G. to take my photograph or a photograph of my child(ren) and use or publish this likeness for CAMP S.W.A.G. purposes, and I release CAMP S.W.A.G. from any claims for such use.
BY PARTICIPATING IN ONE OF THE CAMP S.W.A.G. PROGRAMS, you further expressly agree that the foregoing RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, AND PHOTO RELEASE is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law of the State of California and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. BY PARTICIPATING IN ONE OF THE CAMP S.W.A.G. PROGRAMS, YOU HAVE READ AND VOLUNTARILY AGREE TO THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, INDEMNITY AGREEMENT AND PHOTO RELEASE, and further agrees that no oral representations, statements, or inducement apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made.
Photography/Video Waiver
Camp S.W.A.G may capture pictures or video clips of Camp S.W.A.G. Participants while involved in its programs. Should that occur, these items will be used by Camp S.W.A.G. for marketing and promotion, staff/volunteer training, program activities and any of Camp S.W.A.G.’s websites, publications or displays, public newspapers, magazines, reports or other public documents. . Camp S.W.A.G. Participants’ names will not be published when photo or video clips are used. Camp S.W.A.G. program areas are permitted to have social media sites. These sites are controlled by Camp S.W.A.G staff.
Camp S.W.A.G. may use any photographs without any further consent or authorization from myself or my representatives. Camp S.W.A.G. may modify photographs in the editing process and I am not entitled to any compensation for the use of any photographs by Camp S.W.A.G.
Student Volunteers
Volunteer Requirement for Students
- Must be a middle or high school student currently enrolled in 6th – 12th grade.
- Must be in good academic standing with no attendance or disciplinary problems at their current school.
- Must complete Camp S.W.A.G. Volunteer Application and interview with Camp S.W.A.G. Committee. Member.
- Applicants with prior work/volunteer experience should provide a resume.
- Attach a copy of the last report card with the application for consideration.
Students interested in Volunteer Committee Membership or Volunteering to be a
Judge at the Talent Show Must Also:
- Must be at least 14 years of age.
- Have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and must be in good academic standing with no attendance or disciplinary problems at their current school. Current Report Card or Current “Official “Transcript is Required.
- Provide at least three references (2) from schoolteachers and (1) from a
coach, counselor, principal, pastor, work supervisor, community member, etc.
Adult Volunteers
Volunteer Requirement for Adults
- Must complete Camp S.W.A.G. Adult Volunteer Application and interview with
Camp S.W.A.G. Talent Show Committee. - Applicants with prior work/volunteer experience should provide a resume.
- Reference checks.
- Provide a copy of your current state driver’s license or state identification card.
- Complete a background check.
For the safety of our participants/members and staff, Camp S.W.A.G. will run a complete background check as a basis of placement as an adult employee or adult volunteer with Camp S.W.A.G. There are several categories of volunteers which require a criminal background check under certain conditions. Please contact us for more details.
All employees of Camp S.W.A.G. are required to have an FBI fingerprint background check.
Camp S.W.A.G. Contact Information:
Camp S.W.A.G.
P. O. Box 480575
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Telephone Number:
(424) 354-9196